Pangloss Cellars Tasting Lounge

Optimist Society Member Benefits

Welcoming Our Members

Thank you for being a valued part of the Optimist Society as a One Case Member.

Members enjoy a variety of benefits at our Tasting Lounge in Sonoma and from afar. We are thrilled to celebrate Sonoma and share our wines with you!

Pangloss Cellars Lounge Tasting Experience

Tast­ing Lounge Experiences: 

4 vis­its per year, 2 peo­ple com­pli­men­ta­ry per visit

Pangloss Cellars Cheese & Charcuterie Pairing

Enjoy a com­pli­men­ta­ry cheese and char­cu­terie board for up to four peo­ple with each expe­ri­ence at the Tast­ing Lounge

Pangloss Cellars Salon Private Experience

Pri­vate Salon Experiences: 

$50 per guest ($75 for non-Members)

Member event flight of wines and bites

Invi­ta­tions to Mem­ber Events with spe­cial sav­ings on tickets

Pangloss Cellars Gather Sonoma Collection

20% sav­ings on all items from the Gath­er Sono­ma mer­chan­dise collection

Your Pangloss Shipment

Ship­ping Benefits:

Ground ship­ping is $25 flat-rate on releas­es and orders of 6+ bot­tles, and com­pli­men­ta­ry on orders of 12 bot­tles or more

Please don't hesitate to reach out to our Membership Team if you have any questions about your benefits or would like to upgrade your Membership. We are always here to help.