Heritage Vineyard Focus: Rossi Ranch

Kenwood, CA - Sonoma Valley AVA

At Pangloss Cellars, we believe that great wine tells a story.

Our newest release, the 2022 Rossi Ranch Grenache, narrates a tale of Sonoma Valley's rich viticultural heritage, visionary stewardship, and the magic that happens when exceptional fruit meets passionate winemaking.

The Legacy of Rossi Ranch

Nes­tled with­in Sono­ma Val­ley, Rossi Ranch is more than just a vine­yard – it’s a liv­ing piece of Cal­i­for­nia wine his­to­ry. Plant­ed in 1910 by Ital­ian immi­grant Car­lo Rossi and lat­er man­aged by his son Val, this site has per­se­vered through over a cen­tu­ry of change, pro­duc­ing sought-after fruit that has graced the bot­tles of some of Cal­i­for­ni­a’s most respect­ed wineries.

Although the vine­yard fell into dis­re­pair for a short time after Val’s pass­ing, today, under the care­ful stew­ard­ship of San­dra Otelli­ni and the expert organ­ic farm­ing of Phil Cotur­ri, Rossi Ranch has been restored to its for­mer glo­ry. The vine­yard’s unique com­bi­na­tion of vol­canic soils, sun-exposed slopes, and cool­ing influ­ences from near­by Ben­nett Val­ley cre­ate an ide­al envi­ron­ment for grow­ing out­stand­ing Grenache.

A To Kalon for Grenache”

Renowned wine­mak­er Tony Bia­gi has dubbed Rossi Ranch the To Kalon for Grenache,” com­par­ing it to Napa Val­ley’s most famous vine­yard. This high praise is not giv­en light­ly – it speaks to the excep­tion­al qual­i­ty and dis­tinc­tive char­ac­ter of the fruit pro­duced here.

The com­bi­na­tion of vol­canic soils, speck­led with frag­ments of obsid­i­an, and gen­tle slopes sit­u­at­ed above the fog line cre­ate ide­al con­di­tions for grow­ing high-qual­i­ty grapes.

Rossi Ranch Grenache com­mands a pre­mi­um. Its price per ton is approx­i­mate­ly twice the aver­age rate for Grenache grapes in Sono­ma Coun­ty, under­scor­ing the excep­tion­al qual­i­ty and high demand for fruit from this his­toric vineyard.

A Testament to Thoughtful Farming

The exceptional quality of our Rossi Ranch Grenache is a testament to the meticulous organic farming practices employed by viticulturist Phil Coturri. By focusing on soil health, biodiversity, and sustainable practices, Coturri has elevated the natural potential of this historic site, allowing us to craft a wine that truly speaks of its place.

Limited Availability

As with all great wines from his­toric vine­yards, our pro­duc­tion of the Rossi Ranch Grenache is lim­it­ed. Only four bar­rels were pro­duced from the inau­gur­al 2022 vintage. 

We invite you to secure your bot­tles of this excep­tion­al wine and taste a piece of Sono­ma’s liv­ing history.